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Rules and Regulations

North Peace Ball Hockey Rules and Regulations Amendments for April, 2024

*These Rules and Regulations cover the 5 on 5 formats.  Except where specifically noted.  

OFFICIAL RULEBOOK The latest and most up-to-date version of the rulebook ( shall be used for all interpretations; EXCEPT for any rules & regulations that are unique to North Peace Ball Hockey’s summer ball hockey and that are covered in these rules and regulations.  If it is not covered in these 2 areas, then the league will refer to the CBHA for rules interpretation (local, provincial or national RIC).



ALL players must be at least the legal age of eighteen (18) years old to play in the Men’s league (players that are 16/17 yrs. old are permitted, PROVIDING THERE IS NO JUNIOR LEVEL OF PLAY FOR THAT AGE GROUP, … BUT, must wear full face protection, and waiver form MUST be signed by their parent or legal guardian .  

Female players that are fifteen (15) yrs. old are permitted in the Women’s league provided they wear full-face protection, and a waiver form is signed by parent/guardian.  


A player can coach or manage another team, as long as that team is NOT in the same tier/division as the team that the player plays on (and no inter-tier crossover play).  Any player that is under suspension by another ball hockey league OR is deemed by North Peace Ball Hockey to be a detriment to the game and other teams and players, MAY BE REFUSED to be allowed to register or to play.



(IMPORTANT) ALL fees MUST be paid and up-to-date by a team BEFORE a team can start play at the beginning of the season , absolutely NO exceptions .  All games will be subject to forfeit by a team should that team still have a balance owing once the season begins.  Any team that does not comply with the league payment deadline schedule shall be subject to suspension from the league and no monies refunded.  Further to this, the team rep, managers, coaches and ALL roster players (active or inactive) will be immediately suspended, and not  allowed to participate in any sanctioned play until the team’s fees are paid in full.  Should a balance remain for the team, that balance will be divided equally amongst the roster players, and each player shall have to pay that amount before being allowed to play.   PLEASE REMEMBER that the team reps (and this includes the team rep, coaches or managers, and captains) are ultimately responsible for ALL MONIES owed by his/her team, and as such are legally liable for their team financial commitment and actions both on and off the floor.  

*If a team drops out prior to the beginning of the season, the league reserves the right to retain 1/2 of the monies paid by the team, or $500.00, whichever is greater.  If a team drops out at the beginning, or at any time during the season, … the league reserves the right to retain ALL fees paid to date.  Once the season is underway, there are ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS.


PERFORMANCE/SUSPENSION BOND A performance bond may be collected from any team OR individual at the start of, during, or after the season if the league deems it necessary to guarantee proper conduct and etiquette is observed by that player or team.  Also, any monies owed by that player or team will be deducted from the bond before it is returned.  At the end of the season, if no problems or difficulties have been encountered with that player or team, then the full amount of the bond will be returned



All teams must submit their main roster online at

All players must then all individually register as an individual player by creating a personal account on and agreeing to the league waiver.

Teams and players will be dealt with severely by the league (suspensions/fines), AND any insurance coverage will be VOID if a player is caught playing illegally or has not signed their waiver form. 

*Each team can have a MAXIMUM roster of twenty - five (25) players, including two (2) goalies at any time, plus a maximum of three (3) team officials (non - players) such as coach, manager, o r trainer. 

Teams can only dress eighteen (18) players plus two (2) goalies for a game with no exceptions.  

*Players MUST play a minimum of 5 regular season games before they can participate in playoffs or provincials.  Playoff games do not count against the total. 

Goalies MUST be on the team’s roster and play a minimum of 5 games in the Regular Season to be eligible to play in the playoffs.

Affiliated goalies cannot play for affiliated team during playoffs. If roster goalie(s) cannot play a playoff game only another roster players with minimum of 5 games played can replace them.

At no time will a team be allowed more than 25 players on its roster.

If a team feels that a team is using an illegal player, they should inform the referee at the

beginning of the game, and let them know that you are playing under protest.  After the game is over the Referee will contact the league and it will be reviewed.     

 If any team is found to  have played with an illegal player, the game will be a Forfeit.

*Any and all stats corrections, jersey number changes, name corrections can be emailed to the league at



*Teams are placed and tiered based upon their rosters, and the honesty and integrity of the team rep and players.  All efforts are made to ensure a team is placed in a fair and competitive tier.   However, conditions can come into play which may affect a team’s performance on the floor, so the league has a “re-tiering” portion of the schedule (generally ½ or slightly under the no. # of games a team will play in the regular season), which helps to “move” teams into their appropriate tier. 


Criteria for Affiliation

  1. The only position / player that can be affiliated is a goaltender. This affiliate would only play goaltender on either team and their own team has priority.
  2. A team can Affiliate a maximum of THREE goaltender.
  3. The affiliate Goaltender can play a MAXIMUM of 5 games with 1 affiliate team.
  4. Affiliate Goaltenders CANNOT be used for any games during playoffs.
  5. A team can only affiliate goaltender from divisions below, except for Women’s D and Men’s 7/8 they may affiliate ONE goalie across See below:

Women’s Teams female goalies only

  • Women’s A/B   Can affiliate from Women’s C and D
  • Women’s C     Can Affiliate from D
  • Women’s D     Can Affiliate from D


Men’s Team male goalies only

  • Men’s 1/2 can affiliate from 3/4 - 5/6 -7/8
  • Men’s 3/4 can affiliate from 5/6 - 7/8
  • Men’s 5/6 can affiliate from 7/8
  • Men’s 7/8 can affiliate from 7/8



It is the responsibility of each player or team official to have some sort of valid picture ID with him or her at all times  Only a team's coach, captain or assistant captain can request an ID check on an opposing team's player.  Only one ID check will be permitted during a stoppage of play, and only two (2) per game.  ID checks are NOT permitted in overtime or during a shoot-out.

 If the player produces the proper ID, then the team requesting the ID check will be assessed for a delay of game penalty.

 If the player in question cannot produce proper ID, then he/she will be requested to sign their roster or game-sheet and not be allowed to continue in the game until he or she produces the proper ID.  After the game, the league will pursue the ID check on that player.  If the player is found to be legal, the game's result will stand, and no replaying of the game will be allowed. 

 If the player is illegal, then he or she and the team rep or coach will face suspension and fines, and the game will be defaulted 7-0.  If a team rep/coach/manager/captain suspects an illegal player before the start of the game, the onus is on them to bring it to the referee’s or a league official’s attention before the start of the game.  If they choose to wait, it can then only be done after the drop of the ball at the opening face-off, at the first stoppage of play. 

 North Peace Ball Hockey will not entertain any ID checks after a game has been played, nor will any protests be accepted regarding such.


 Each team can have one (1) coach, one (1) manager, and one (1) trainer signed to their roster.  One person can hold two (2) titles.  It is important to note that a team's coach / manager / team reps are ALL responsible for their team's actions both on and off the floor at all times.  This includes fans and spectators.



 *The league uses  RAMPs system , prior to the beginning of the game, the team rep or coach / captain must turn in his team’s roster sheet indicating who is present for the game, and tell the scorekeeper of any changes to his or her roster, including pickups, number changes, etc.

 The timekeeper will check the jersey numbers of each team's players at the beginning of the game.  It is important that each player be assigned to a specific jersey number (for stats and ID checks) and remain that number for the duration of the season.   

*Any and all stats corrections, jersey number changes, name corrections can be emailed to the league at:

 It is not North Peace Ball Hockey's responsibility to track and ensure your team and players are wearing the same jerseys all season.  Be warned, that If there is any type of discrepancy regarding what jersey number and/or name a player is registered as, or playing under, … it will be looked upon unfavorably should any ID check or disciplinary action come into play regarding your team or player(s). North Peace Ball Hockey will give each team a two (2) week grace period at the beginning of each season of play (start date of the first league game) to “settle down” their rosters.  This permits team reps to “try out” certain players.



Each team will play a set number of regular season games: 

Men’s - 18 Regular Season Games + Playoffs 

Women's - 16 Regular Season Games + Playoffs 

U9 - U15 - 16 Regular Season Games + Playoff weekend

U7 - 8 Sessions

U5 - 6 Sessions


Playoff formats will be determined by the league and distributed to all teams in time for playoffs. (see playoff format below)

All adult mens/womens teams make the playoffs will get at least one to two (1-2) games depending on how many teams are in the divisions . 

During playoffs, it is the responsibility of the team reps/managers/coaches and captains to ensure they monitor their center’s websites, emails, statistics and schedule daily so as to know when their team plays, possibly the very next day.   

OVERTIME -  If a game remains tied at the end of play during the regular season, then both teams will do a shoot out three (3) players each . If the game is tied after that then both teams will be awarded a tie and one (1) point in the standings

 If a Championship game (playoff only) is tied after regulation time,  sudden death ten (10) minute, running time periods 3on3 , will be played until a goal is scored to determine a winner. The last two (2) minutes of overtime period are also straight time. Teams do not change ends.



League standings shall be determined as two (2) points for a win, one (1) point for a tie, and zero (0) points for a loss. If a team defaults a game, then the opposing team will be awarded a 7-0 win, and the 2 points.


Regular Season Tie Breaker criteria. In the case of a tie in the standings, then the following will be the order in which the tie is broken: 

  1. a) Most wins total
  2. b) Record between tied Teams.
  3. c) Goal differential for season (+/-).
  4. d) Total goals scored for the season.
  5. e) Fewest goals allowed for the season.


Any team that defaults a game without proper and adequate notice (min. 48 - 72 hrs.), is subject to a fine of $100.00 which is payable to the league immediately and before their next

game.  If a team defaults two (2) games in a season, then that team will be fined $300.00 and may be suspended for the balance of the season.



For spring/summer play, all players, including goalies,  must wear matching jersey colors. North Peace allows teams a two (2) week “grace period” in order to get matching uniforms.  

If both teams have same colored uniforms, then the HOME TEAM is responsible to change jerseys or to wear pinnies.  A set of pinnies is available from the supervisor/scorekeeper at the facility.  Any lost, stolen, or damaged pinnies will be billed to the team rep on the team responsible, and this must be paid before the team plays again. 



*If it’s necessary for any format, common courtesy asks that teams that arrive for the first game must clear anything that may be left on the floor from previous users and put it in its proper storage place.  If you are unsure where something goes, ask the staff.  If necessary, the first 2 teams of the night must bring out and set up the nets, while the last 2 teams must ensure the nets are properly stored away if necessary.  Referees will remind both teams of this at the end of the night. Teams that play in the last game of the evening must also ensure that any loose debris or garbage on the floor is picked up (broken sticks, tape, etc.). 

The dressing rooms must be clean at all times.  Please remember to pick up after your team and to be courteous as we are sharing this facility with other people.  Remember, you and your team are responsible for any damages you cause! The team, team rep, and any individual(s) involved will be billed directly for the damage by the league.  If a team is the last team in a dressing room and there is damage or a problem, then that team will be held at fault.  So, if you notice something missing, broken or damaged, bring it to the attention of the facility personnel immediately!



Any player, fan or team caught will be immediately expelled and banned from the building and the league - NO EXCEPTIONS!

No smoking, food or drink, and profanity will be allowed in public areas and on the floor.  These are family facilities, so please be courteous of others.   *All teams must vacate their dressing rooms no later than 20 - 30 minutes after the conclusion of their game.



It is the responsibility of each team to ensure their fans and spectators behave themselves and follow the facility’s rules of conduct. If they become unruly or fail to listen to the facility’s staff, the referee, scorekeeper, or league officials, then the game will be stopped and the person(s)responsible will be asked to leave the building.   If they persist, the police will be called to have them escorted out of the building, they will be banned from the venue, and the team responsible may face disciplinary action.



All games will be played 5 on 5, plus goalie. 

Games will be put in a one (1) hour time block. Game will start with 5min warmup  . The 1st period will be fifteen (15) minutes running time,  the 2nd period will be fifteen (15) minutes running time, and the 3rd period will be fifteen (15) minutes running time .

There will be no stop time in the third period .  The referee will have final say on all issues dealing with time. There will also be two(2) minute break between periods.

Each team will be allowed one (2) thirty second timeouts for the complete game

NOTE: *** This a new change (3 periods)  which is mandated by CBHA. ***

A player arriving late for a game may play as long as they were on the scoresheet filled out that the beginning of the game, and inform referees and scorekeeper prior to ball drop to begin the second period. Any player arriving after the ball drop of the second (2) period will not be  allowed to play in the game. 



To start a game, a team must have at least five (5) players + goalie available to play, for the 5 on 5 format.  If a team has no goalie, an extra player can be put on the floor, but no player on the floor will have goaltender privileges.   If a team cannot floor at least five (5) players and a goalie or 6 players without a goalie, then they can default the game and the 2 points will be awarded to the other team, and a final score of 7-0 will be recorded. If an undermanned team has six (6) players eligible to play, and the undermanned team wishes to play the game, then both teams must agree before the ball is dropped.  Once the ball is dropped, the game is legal, the referee(s) will officiate accordingly, and the game will count in the standings. 

If at any time during the game the undermanned team is not capable of flooring the needed numbers of players for the situation, the game will be called immediately by the referee’s and scored as a 7-0 default.

PENALTIES -  Penalties are called at the referee’s discretion, and will serve the normal 2, 4, 5, and 10-minute penalties. 

GAME EJECTION TOTAL PENALTIES - For 5 on 5. Any player receiving three (3) penalties of any kind during the game will be automatically ejected from the game. Any player receiving a game misconduct or ejection must leave the game immediately, and either remain quietly in the dressing room or leave the building.


Penalty Shot Protocol

(Player) The referee shall place the ball on the center face-off spot, and the player taking shot shall, after the instruction of the referee and after the referee has blown his whistle to indicate to begin, play the ball from there and attempt to score on the goaltender. Once the player taking the shot has touched the ball, it MUST be kept in forward motion toward the opponent’s goal line (sideways movement is permitted). Once a player “pulls  back” the ball, it is considered in violation of protocol, and the penalty shot is over. A goal cannot be scored on a rebound of any kind, and any time the ball crosses the goal line, the shot shall be considered complete. If a player blatantly, or in an unsportsmanlike manner, fires the ball again at the net or goalie, then he can be given an unsportsmanlike penalty, and the other team will be awarded a penalty shot.   *This is up to the referee’s discretion, and if a player accidentally or unintentionally fires or hits the ball towards the goalie or net, no penalty is awarded.  

(Goaltender)  must remain in his/her crease until the player taking the penalty shot has touched the ball, and must remain in the goaltender’s privileged area until the completion of the play (within the rectangular area bounded in the rear by red goal line, in front up to the center red line, and to the sides by the face-off dots).  In the event of violation of this rule or any foul committed by the goaltender, the referee shall allow the penalty shot to be taken again.   The goaltender may attempt to stop the penalty shot in any manner except by throwing the stick or any object, in which case another penalty shot will be awarded. The goaltender must completely stop the ball’s forward motion in order for the shot to be considered complete.

  • If the ball hits the goaltender and goes into the net, a goal shall be awarded.
  • If the ball hits the goalpost or crossbar, comes out, hits the goaltender and goes into the net, a goal is awarded.
  • If the ball hits the goaltender, post or crossbar and contacts the shooter in any way prior to crossing the goal line, the goal is not awarded
  • If any player of the opposing team interferes with or distracts the player taking the penalty shot and thereby causes the shot to fail, a second attempt shall be permitted, and the referee can impose a misconduct or unsportsmanlike penalty on the offending player(s).

 Playoff Format Mens/Womens:

Teams will be happy to see the return of the best of 3 series for the entire playoffs. 5on5 format 3 periods (15m min each).  If the game is tied after regulation  there will be sudden death OT of 10min periods 3on3 until a team scores to win the game. There will be a 1 min break between each overtime period . Teams will not need to change ends. 

 Playoff Format Youth:

playoffs will consist of a year end tournament held near the end of June starting The Friday evening and finishing Sunday . 



Scorekeepers are minor officials of the game, and as such must be given courtesy and respect by teams and players.  Supervisors are paid employees of the league, and also are to be awarded the respect they deserve.  Anyone caught abusing or threatening a scorekeeper or league supervisor, can and will be ejected from the building and/or the league! No questions asked.  Players are not to have contact with the scorekeepers whatsoever!



The  official Canadian Ball Hockey Association ball to be used is Knapper ball or the previously branded D-gel ball. 

Mandatory equipment  a CSA approved helmet , anyone under the age of 18 must wear a face mask. Full or half-face shields and mouth guards are highly recommended (for adults). Hockey gloves.   Regular wooden sticks are allowed with white tape on the blade.  NO plastic bladed sticks or attached blades are allowed.

***NEW*** starting 2024 season all players will be required to wear shin guards.  If a player attempts to play without the proper equipment he/she will be removed from the floor until they have the proper gear  on them.  (League rule only)***

Goalies MUST wear full equipment. If a goalie does not have full equipment, they won’t be allowed to play.  If a goalie breaks or loses his goaltender stick during a game, he will be allowed to finish the play with a player’s stick.  But at the first stoppage, must have a proper goalie stick brought to him in order to finish playing. 

“Cat’s eye” facemasks are illegal and negate insurance. If any goalie wishes to wear one during play they must contact league at  to arrange to sign waiver prior to playing in any game.

 Steel-toed shoes are permitted, but must be covered and in good to excellent condition. 

Shin Pads - The CBHA no longer requires shin pads to be covered,  It is at the referee’s discretion to remove and replace shin pads that are deemed dangerous (or have them covered)

Gloves  The CBHA is recommending the use of ice hockey gloves. Gloves that are deemed “SAFE” by the official, by providing adequate protection for the sport of ball hockey, may be worn. Hockey, lacrosse and Knapper ball hockey gloves are recommended. If the gloves are in disrepair or a level of doubt arises when inspecting the gloves, the player shall retire from the floor and find proper/suitable gloves before returning to play.

Helmet - VISOR CLIPS - Players are NOT allowed to play with a helmet that has visor clips still attached to the helmet if the visor is not being used. No exceptions. Player safety and injury concern. Players will not be allowed to participate until they are removed as per referee request.

Jerseys - Sleeves - Players must cover elbows with jersey sleeves at all times. Penalty may be called for players who repeatedly raise sleeves above their elbows.


2024 Suspensions, Fines and Rule Changes 

As many of you are aware, North Peace Ball hockey's  main objective is to keep ball hockey a safe and enjoyable sport for men and women of all ages.  In keeping with our objectives below you will find an outline below. North Peace reserves the right to increase minimum fines for certain infractions if it is determined that the players previous and current actions jeopardize the safety of other players, officials (on and off floor) and North Peace staff, including but not limited to property damage as well.

 League notification IS NOT REQUIRED for a suspension to take place.  It is the team reps/coaches/captains and players responsibility to verify a suspension. 

If in doubt, contact the league manager or administrator immediately after the game in question for the details, and certainly BEFORE the next game. If a suspended player is caught playing in a game, he/she will be assessed a further suspension and fined, and the team will default the game(s) that player plays in.  Also, the  team rep and/or coach/team captain present may face a suspension as well.  No suspended player or team official will be allowed on their teams bench or in the dressing room.  If that player is caught abusing the privilege of being allowed to WATCH their team's game (this includes any abuse of a league official), then they WILL NOT be allowed in the building again AND suspended until further notice from the league.  


*NOTE: Any suspension or fine from one season of play CAN and WILL be in effect for the following season(s), pending approval from the league manager or administrator.   ALL suspensions are automatically filed with the Provincial board, Wild Rose Ball Hockey & Sports Association.  

Reviewable suspensions as laid out in North Peace rules will be completed by the Director of Player Safety (D.O.P.S)

Procedures for reviewing and possibly issuing additional suspensions or fines.

Game sheet and official write ups will be reviewed by D.O.P.S 

At the discretion of D.O.P.S, Discussion with on and off floor officials will be completed if clarification is required.

If D.O.P.S requires, written accounts from both Team Representatives will be requested and will required to be submitted within 48 hours of email request.

Player History will be reviewed and taken into consideration during the review process.

D.O.P.S will notify Team Representative in via email regarding the outcome of the review.

Under all circumstances a player will remain suspended until the review has been completed and Team notified of the final decision. All efforts will be made to have reviews done in a timely manner.


Appeal Process

Appeals require a $250.00 deposit payment.  This payment will be refunded if the appeal is successful.

Appeals are to be submitted in writing by the TEAM REPRESENTATIVE to . Appeals will only be accepted from the TEAM REPRESENTATIVE and only in writing.


Additional rule and fine notifications

All player fines are fines considered against that player's team, the player nor the team are eligible to play until fines are paid in full via  E-transfers  Teams  will be forced to forfeit the next scheduled game if the fine is not paid in full.

Also note that all fine monies collected during the season will go toward the youth program as seen fit by League Management. (The youth thank you in advance!)


Player Accumulative Penalties.

45 minutes accumulative penalties in season            1 game            $75.00 fine

60 minutes accumulative penalties in season            3 games          $75.00 fine, League review

Over 80 minutes accumulative penalties in season   Suspended      $200.00 fine, League review


Fighting Majors 

Note: Previous seasons player history will be considered in these reviews and the DOPS reserves the right to levy additional suspensions and fines.

1st Fight           3-5 games                Automatic Review by D.O.P.S                         Min $250 Fine

2nd Fight          Indefinite                  Automatic Review by D.O.P.S                         Min $500 Fine

3rd Fight           1 yr from 3rd fight    Automatic Review by D.O.P.S                         TBD


Infraction                   Minutes                   Suspension          Fine   

Minor                            Two (2)                     None                   None 

Double Minor                Four (4)                    None                   None 

Major                             Five (5)                    One Game          $25 

Game Misconduct         Ten (10)                   One Game          $25 

Gross Misconduct         Ten (10)                   Min 2 Games      $50 

Match w/o Injury            Five (5)                   Min 3-5 Games      $50

Match w/Injury               Five (5)                    Min 8 Games      $125  

Instigator                       Two (2)                     One Game         $15

Peacemaker 3rd Man    Two (2)                     One Game         $25                                        

Aggressor                      Two (2)                     One Game        $25                                            

1st Player Off Bench      Two(2)+Ten (10)       1-3 Games        $50                        

Abuse of official               Ejection              1-3 games            $200

Match on Official (physical)Ejection                 Lifetime           $300

Alcohol, Drugs in Building  NA                         Season            $300                

 ***Note*** Abuse of official is Non appealable . There is Absolutely NO ROOM for abuse of official on the floor or after the game in the arena and or parking lot!!!


24 HOUR RULE  The 24-hour rule is for everyone with issues with the league, players, parents, coaching staff, Refs and Scorekeepers. After 24 hours you can put your issue in writing and send it to the league

If sent before the 24hrs the email will not be replied to.  It is imperative to stick to a 24hr waiting period before sending in complaint 



Any player, coach, or team official that is ejected from a game must go directly to their teams dressing room.  They are not allowed to watch the game from the bench, or from the stands.  They must leave the building immediately.  Anyone caught not following this rule, can and will face a suspension.  This goes for disruptive spectators and fans as well.  If a player(s) damages or destroys league or facility property, he or she and the team will be liable for payment to repair or replace said property.



There will be an annual championship trophy awarded to each Tier champion. The annual trophies are the property of the league and so must remain with the league after the final game is played.  Do not take the trophy home! 



 Rule Revisions:


Goal Crease revision

  Players are not permitted to stand within the goaltender crease

 Adequate warning will be provided by referee

 If the player does not heed the warning, or a referee believes player is directly affecting goaltenders regular movement within their crease, play shall be stopped immediately and the ensuing face off shall be taken to the nearest face off dot in the neutral zone.


High Sticking the Ball revision

 The CBHA has eliminated the High Sticking the Ball penalty

*** Alberta provincial rule states that the play will only be blown down if the offending team is first to play the ball immediately after a high stick has occurred. The resulting faceoff is in the offending team's defensive zone and no player changes can be made by the offending team. 


***2024 North Peace Revision of the Hight sticking rule as follows:

  In the event of a stick making contact with a ball above the normal shoulder height of the player, the referee will blow the play down immediately and assess a 2 min High Sticking the ball penalty

The ensuing face off will take place in the defending zone of the offending player/team.

 Offending team will be allowed to make player changes prior to ball drop in the defending zone.


Tripping ( “Slew Footing”)

 The CBHA has adopted Hockey Canada’s recent update to “slew footing” under the Tripping rule.

 A 4 minute minor penalty or Match penalty, at the discretion of the Referee based upon the degree of violence of impact with the floor, shall be assessed to any player who slew foots an opponent.

An automatic Match penalty shall be assessed to any player who blatantly injures an opponent with a slew foot.

Slew Footing occurs when one players uses a leg or a foot to knock or kick an opposing player’s feet from under him, or pushes another player’s upper body backward with an arm or elbow and at the same time with a forward motion of his leg, knocks or kicks that player’s feet from under him.


Faceoff Locations revision  

In accordance with Hockey Canada, face off locations following the assessment of a penalty, the referee shall take the ensuing face off into the penalized team’s defending zone. This is subject to the following limited exceptions

When a penalty is assessed after a goal, the face off will take place at center ice.

 When a penalty is assessed at the end (or before the start) of a period, the face off will take place at center ice

 When a gathering is taking place following a stoppage of play leading to a penalty and one (1) or both defenseman, point players or any player coming from the players’ or penalty bench of the attacking team, enter deeply into the attacking zone (the top of the circle being the limit), the ensuing face off will take place in the neutral zone at one of the face off spots outside the offending team’s defending zone

When the non-offending team clears the ball and icing is called, the ensuing face off will take place at one of the face off spots outside the zone of the team that iced the ball.


Rule Reminders:

7 automatic 4 minute penalties

5 Stick penalties

  • Slashing
  • Cross Checking
  • High Sticking the player
  • Butt ending
  • Spearing

2 Non Stick penalties 

  • Head Contact
  • Slew footing

OTHER NOTES : When a time differential occurs because of multiple penalties, the ensuing face off will take place in the shorthanded team’s defending zone.

 In the case of multiple penalties when no time differential occurs, the ensuing face off will take place at the face off spot nearest to where the stoppage of play occurred.









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